Day 2: first day of the internship at the Tozer Primary school

26 april 2016 - Greeley, Colorado, Verenigde Staten


I just woke up and got ready for the internship at the Fairacres elderly home. Unfortunately, it's raining cats and dogs as the British would say. Yesterday the weather was very nice around 22 degrees Celsius. 

Yesterday was my first day at the Tozer primary school, I really enjoyed it. After I wrote a blog post, I ate breakfast together with the kids. After that the kids were going to school with the school bus. Around 8:00 Beth took me to the school as well, over there they organized I could help in Gabby's class. This was the second grade with Mrs. Hoffner. When I arrived the children were doing physical education with the PE teacher. She wrote down on the board what the goal was of this lesson and how the children were going to achieve this, I really liked this. After an hour the students went back to the classroom and Gabby introduced me to the group. Then they had a lesson about cooperation. The children had to work together to do some exercises. An example of this was that the children had to give around a cup with water with their eyes closed without spilling any water. When the lesson was finished the children had a break and Gabby showed me the playground. After the break I was asked to read together with some students. As Mrs. Hoffner didn't like that exercise she sent me to another room with 5 students to do a memorizing game, this was quite funny. Before lunch the students could ask me anything about school and life in the Netherlands, this took half an hour because the students had a lot of questions. When the children had lunch Dale picked me up and I had some hours for myself and unpacked my stuff while watching a episode of GTST.

Around 2 o'clock Dale asked me If I wanted to pick up Jackson at preschool together with him. Preschool is just like "de kinderopvang' in the Netherlands. Jackson showed me he was the tallest boy of his class. When we arrived back home, we went outside because the weather was really nice. Jackson wanted to show me his toys, this took 1 hour and after it his room was a big mess. He showed every little toy separately and even showed his shoes.

When school was out, Gabby and Gisele taught me how to play Minecraft, but I am stIll very bad at it. The girls couldn't play for a long time because Gisele had to go to dance and Gabby to soccer. I watched Gisele's ballet dance class. They are having a performance on Saturday.

When we came back home we ate some Mexican food, which was really good. After that the family and I watched an episode of Walk the prank and Supergirl. When the episodes were finished we went reading and joking upstairs and the kids went to sleep. Not much time after that I went to sleep as well.

There is always fun at the Gates house!

P.S. I didn't take any pictures of the school yet, I still have to ask permission for this.


3 Reacties

  1. Jolanda:
    26 april 2016
    Klinkt goed! Veel plezier vandaag tijdens je eerste dag in het bejaardentehuis. Ben benieuwd wat je allemaal mag doen. Maak je wat foto's als het mag? Hier lijkt het wel winter! XXX Mam
  2. Papa:
    27 april 2016
    Trots op je!
  3. Roy:
    27 april 2016
    Toch nog tijd voor gtst? ;)