Day 18 & 19: Last hours of my adventure

17 mei 2016 - Someren, Nederland


Wednesday was a day of packing, games with Circé, relaxing and going to the airport. Packing my luggage didn't take that long because I had practiced this already for two times in the Netherlands and USA. 

Circé had a day off from school, so we were home alone. We played a game of 'drieduizenden' and unfortunately I didn't win. After that we did some other games too. We ate some bread for lunch and then she had to go to the dentist together with my uncle who came home to pick her up. In that time I checked-in for the flight and watched the episodes of GTST I hadn't watched yet. It was quite relaxing as my luggage was ready already and I only had to wait till aunt Marleen was back from work to take me to the airport. 

I already said bye to Aida that morning, but than later in the afternoon around 4:00 PM it was time to go to the airport and to say bye to Circé, Laureline and uncle Maxime. Marleen brought me to the airport and we arrived around 5.I had plenty of time as I only had to check-in my luggage and go through customs. After checking in my luggage I said goodbye to aunt Marleen as well. I'm going to miss you guys, hope to see you soon again. 

Fortunately, customs was not that strict as it was at Schiphol and I talked with a nice guy who wondered were my passport was from. I told him about the internship and he told me he was going on a business trip. He was really nice. Then I was ready to go to the gate, but I definitely wanted to get myself something to snack in the airplane and a Starbucks frappucino. This was quite stressy because Starbucks was near the gate, which was a 10 min walk. You would think this isn't stressy, but the stressy part was that they didn't accept my bankcard so I had to go to the other side of the airport to the cash dispenser. But I was in the plane on time, I was one of the last people going in to the plane but they didn't have to call my name through the speakers on the airport. And it was worth it, I had some Skittles, chocolate and this beautiful beautiful Starbucks. 

The flight was 7 hours, and as I was flying through the night and I only slept for three hours I was quite tired when I arrived at Schiphol Airport. During the flight I slept, watched 'How to be single' and listened to music. When I arrived back in the Netherlands my mom and dad already were waiting for me. I saw them through the window but still had to wait for half an hour till my luggage was on the luggage belt. 

All together, I have had a beautiful experience! Already miss all the people I met. I will never forget you!

Loved my internship

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